Premiering in the 2022 Sundance Film Festival, Fresh is a provocative and satisfying chiller, earning every sliver of its R-rating. As Mimi Cave’s directorial debut and Lauren Khan’s second feature script, the film is captivating from beginning to end. Though, it’s certainly not for the squeamish.
If you’re a fan of the past Sundance feature Promising Young Woman, I highly recommend giving Fresh a chance. Commenting on the modern patriarchal-capitalist horrors that women face every day, this film uses both face-value middle fingers as well as deeper socioeconomic commentary through a rather gruesome metaphor.
It takes on a Marxist-feminist perspective in the most literal way, in which the bodies and lives of women are exploited through the constructs of capitalism.
Khan’s metaphor is potent and gory but certainly catches your attention, while Cave’s directing style is staggeringly clever and charismatic. The soundtrack, arranged by Alex Somers, is seriously remarkable and true to the films’ dark comedic themes, making nightmarish scenes seems playful and calm scenes unsettling. I highly recommend this feature to anyone who enjoys the comedy-thriller genre.
— Tyler Burnett
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