Misogyny surfaces in world of comics

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A crowd of screaming male fanatics spout out bra cup sizes to an intrusive interviewer after a woman refused to tell him her bra size and spank him at a recent Comic-Con.

In her senior project Katrina Lungren found that women are highly sexualized within the comic book subculture.

Lungrens’ senior thesis project, titled “Superwoman in Bondage,” studies how the portrayal of superwomen in comic books reflects the misogyny in the comic book subculture.

She said that to be accepted in the comic book subculture as a real fan, women have to reach a nearly unattainable level of knowledge.

According to Lungrens’ research, when comic books originated in the 1920’s women were drawn to look like overly sexualized pin-up girls and had Grecian goddess bodies.

Even though the Comic Code Authority regulated comics not to exaggerate female bodies and maintain a somewhat appropriate dress comic books continued to make clothes as tight and small as possible.

Lungren said the two women she interviewed that had been to Comic-Cons both said they were getting a lot of inappropriate attention for their costumes.

Lungren will be presenting her senior project on April 24.


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