Index Staff Playlist: Rainy day Songs

For this week’s playlist, editors Ashley Meza and Izzy Williams share their favorite songs to zone out to in the rain as the cold weather takes over.

I Hope To Be Around – Men I Trust

As the rainy season takes over, the mood of my playlist goes from warm feeling songs to gloomy feeling songs. If you were raised here in the PNW, then you know as soon as the rain starts to fall, the more it starts to feel like home. Yet, that nostalgic-ness of new rainfall can’t mask the sappy-ness that comes with it. “I Hope To Be Around” captures that feeling perfectly, often leaving me zoned out to the rain droplets on a window with grey clouds in the background. The song starts with a smooth beat and transitions into some soft lyrics referencing how our mind is always at war with time. This is one of my go-to songs when I feel like staring off into space, and having the PNW rain as a background is just a bonus. 

Thinking of a Place — The War on Drugs

I first heard this song on a cross-country drive when I moved from Georgia to Oregon. I was in my shitty Honda Civic looking out of the windshield into an Arizona sunset, an endless, dusky desert and an unsure future stretched out in front of me. Out of nowhere, rain started trickling onto the roof of the car, rain that I would later learn was the first that area had seen in months, and I suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of comfort and peace. The wistful melody of this song soothed my nerves about moving so far away and it’s been my rainy day go-to ever since.


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