McVeety ready to fill advancement role

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Starting June 1, Cassie McVeety will be taking over as Pacific’s vice president of university advancement. She took a few minutes to answer a few questions about her background, goals and view of Pacific. 1. What are you looking forward … Continued

Project focuses on perspective

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Games like Hide-and-Seek and Duck, Duck, Goose have been played by children in homes and schoolyards for years. According to Pacific University seniors Nicole Burgess and Amanda Woodland, these games and others like them can be used to shape children … Continued

Research finds pros, cons in athletic shoes

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Does it matter what type of insole an athlete wears when it comes to athletic performance? Senior LeMar Anglin conducted an experiment on how athletes performed while wearing different insoles. His experiment included 24 athletes from Pacific who wore two … Continued

Corrections 5-3-12

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“The last Index ran a story about Clothes Line Project saying that it was in support of safe sex. The Clothes Line Project is actually a project to bring awareness and show support to the victims of sexual assault. Sexual … Continued

Student trips define Pacific culture, identity

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While many students currently on campus are probably familiar with the Outback, many incoming students may not know that there’s an opportunity to experience some outdoor fun and simultaneously meet new people before the school year even begins. For those … Continued

Zombies inspire research

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Anthropology and English literature major Krystal Chitwood said nothing she discovered in her research on zombies was what she expected. Aside from the popular scare factor of undead flesh eaters, Chitwood said everything she learned about zombies was a pleasant … Continued

Presentation aims to decipher slang

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There was a funny French touch in Marsh Hall when senior Lindsay Olin started her senior project presentation saying that Verlan is the way to inverse the syllables of a word. The student also mentioned that she discovered the study … Continued

Group project analyzes all aspects of rough housing

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Can rough housing really be advantageous to young students and their learning abilities? A group of Pacific University students conducted a study in which they concluded that the answer is yes. Senior education majors Alan Cushing, Nolan Booth and Carson … Continued

MFA office relocates to new environment

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This summer, Pacific Masters of Fine Arts in Writing program office will move to the corner of Northwest 12th Avenue and Hoyt Street in Portland’s Pearl District. The MFA office currently sits on the corner of Main Street and University … Continued

Annual award encourages risk taking

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The Berglund Center for Internet Studies is consistently looking for new ways to integrate technology and the Internet into the learning environment. One way of encouraging staff and faculty to do the same is their annual giving of the Berglund … Continued