Those praying for snow should think twice

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Earlier this week, I will admit that I was among the many Pacific hopefuls that the miniscule amount of frozen precipitation Oregon calls “snowfall” would be enough to close campus, and more particularly, cancel classes.  And while the snow did … Continued

Green for growth or just the sake of green

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Depending on whom you ask, “sustainability” and “sustainable development” can have contentious and contradictory meanings. The 1987 Brundtland Report defines sustainable development as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own … Continued

LikeALittle offers more stalking than flirting

posted in: Opinion | 0 has become the option of choice for students of Pacific to passively flirt with their peers. This “dating” website uses anonymity to give users full range to be as descriptive or vague as they choose about virtually anybody on … Continued

City public schools on par with ELC technology

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Private or public? It’s an important decision that parents make with their kids; where to send them to school. Today the decision becomes more pertinent as some schools adapt to the updating technological world. Some schools have made the leap … Continued