Intramurals offer outlet to students

posted in: Fall, Sports | 0

For those who may not play a college sport but would still like to participate at a competitive level, Pacific offers a list of club and intramural sports for students to participate in. Because intramural sports are offered to the … Continued

Volleyball reflects on season

posted in: Fall, Sports | 0

With only two games left, one of which being a home game, the Pacific University Volleyball team is looking forward to a strong finish of the 2010 season. “We come into every practice with the intention of getting better,” said … Continued

Fieldhouse demands improvement

posted in: Fall, Opinion, Sports | 0

After playing intramural indoor soccer in the field house I’ve come to realize that frankly, that building just doesn’t cut it. There’s grime on the floor, various items haphazardly strewn about, and a crowded, decrepit feeling to the place. Honestly, … Continued