Familiar Faces Take Lead For Women’s Soccer Team

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Former players turn into current coaches

After disappointing season results in the past two years, the women’s soccer team hopes that a coaching change will reboot the program. Over the course of the past two seasons, former head coach Chelsea Davis concluded her journey at Pacific with the record of 5-20-7 in conference play—and cleared the slate for an entirely new staff to lead the squad. 

Only, the staff isn’t completely new to Pacific. 

Kellan McNamara is stepping into a new position, but he is familiar to Pacific University. Not only was he the assistant coach for the Boxer men’s Soccer team for seven years, but McNamara also played four years as a Boxer. Cultivating experience as not only a Pacific player, but assistant coach for the men’s side, Mcnamara’s deep connection with Pacific positions him well to lead the women’s team. 

As new head coach for the Women’s soccer team, Mcnamara has brought on a new staff that includes 2024 Pacific graduate, Kate Volchok. One of the top goal scorers for Pacific’s women’s soccer team, Volchok led the team last year as a captain. 

Her transition from player to coach was a quick turnaround, and Coach Mcnamara is looking forward to the help Volchok will bring. “I am super excited about Kate joining our staff,” McNamara said with a smile. “I really wanted to bring in a strong female coach with a solid presence.” Volchok had spent the last four years playing as a Boxer and now looks to share her knowledge and experience of the game with the current players. “Coming back a year after I graduated is not super common,” she shared, “but I think it gives me a good perspective to coach.” Volchock continued, “By using my experience and background with the team, I can help better our players.” 

During her time wearing a Boxer jersey, Volchok underwent multiple season ending injuries that set back her time on the field. “Throughout college I had an interesting experience; I went through two ACL surgeries. So during that time I took on a more leadership and coaching role, which I think really has prepared me”.

Volchok wants her role on the team to be a leader with guidance, as well as a person to connect with off the field. Volchok’s journey with her injuries and being a Division III student athlete herself makes her a great resource for the players on the team.

In addition to her recent collegiate experience, Volchok has also coached at the club and high school levels. Her diverse coaching background enhances her readiness for this role. Coaching at a variety of different levels gives her more familiarity in her position and adds depth to her coaching resume. “One of my personal goals for this season is to learn from Coach Kellan,” Volchok voiced. “He has a crazy soccer brain, and I look forward to learning from him.”

Mcnamara’s experience as a Division III athlete, and specifically a Boxer, creates a personal connection with the players representing our school today. “My experience as a player at Pacific has shaped me hugely as a person, and definitely as a coach, so it will undoubtedly influence how I coach the team.” 

Volchok relates to using her background at Pacific as a positive boost towards her career as a coach for the program. “I have a crazy passion for soccer. I love to play and see the game from different views, and I look forward to my new role on the field this season,” Volchok expressed. 

After three games on the road, Boxer women’s soccer plays at home versus Linfield on Wednesday, September 18 at 7:45 pm. 


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