Pop-Up Concerts

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The New Music Club Provides Students Opportunity to Perform

Last Wednesday evening, as the sun mellowed in the sky and campus grew quiet, a small group of students gathered in front of Taylor-Meade Auditorium, and then three voices rose in a consecutive melody. Next, another performer stepped out with a red portable speaker and stood in front of the small gathering, with the green lawn spreading out behind them. Then, another impromptu performance, featuring a trumpet and a guitar, before the audience gave a smattering of applause, dispersed into the evening—and the campus hushed quiet again.

This is the new Pop-Up Concert Wednesday. Organized by senior Will Mailhiot, they are a bi-weekly informal opportunity to showcase musical talents. A strong advocate for performers and a Vocal Performance Major himself, Mailhiot created the new campus event to allow performers to grow their experience—and a chance for any and everyone to support them. During Fall Term, there are two main, formal concerts for students: Fall Concert and Holiday Concert. But, Mailhiot thought it might be fun to provide more opportunities for music majors to perform in front of a willing audience.

His solution: (Bi)Weekly Pop-Up Concerts Wednesday.

And the first was last Wednesday—and the next is October 5.

Like an open mic night, the concerts are a “good, low-stakes environment” for any musical performer. Students, faculty, and community members who aren’t into performing can take on the role of audience member and enjoy some free entertainment provided by their peers.

Considering last Wednesday was only the first and practically a trial run, Mailhiot considers the concert a success. “It was fun to get up in front of my friends,” he says, though he felt a little silly performing “I Want You Back” by Jackson 5.

Pop-Up Concert Wednesday will be held in front of Taylor-Meade Auditorium on Wednesdays (duh!), 5:45 – 6:15 pm’ish, every other week (although Mailhiot aspires to make them weekly).

And, if performers and audience members are craving more, The Lazy Eye hosts an Open Mic Night from 8 – 10 pm on Wednesdays, located conveniently across the street from campus.

Students interested in performing can reach out to Will Mailhiot mail1887@pacificu.edu, or keep an eye out for the sign-up sheet, which will be linked in upcoming newsletters and QR codes around campus. — Sophia Lewis


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