CAS budget to focus on smaller student pool

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Cash rules everything around me,” — including the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) budget, Pacific University’s sticker price and financial aid driven discount rates. Or maybe not? As CAS Dean Sarah Phillips explains, Pacific is a non-profit university much … Continued

2018 Clery Report

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Numbers aren’t everything says Campus Public Safety (CPS). Looking at Pacific University’s recent release of the annual Clery Act Crime Statistics, CPS Manager Jerry Rice urges readers to understand the report is to be read with a grain of salt. … Continued

A decade of football

posted in: Fall, Sports | 0

Nineteen years. That’s how long Pacific University went without football. Forest Grove, a town known for being a one high school, one college town lost something that made a community come together. The university dropped the sport in 1991 leaving … Continued

Mental health enters academic conversation

posted in: Opinion | 0

Many students rejoice in the arrival of a three-day weekend with plans to hang out with friends or just watch Netflix, but for many students it’s a much-needed time for a mental breather. This year, the state of Oregon’s public … Continued