School creates hybrid program

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With matters of work, location and family life to worry about, it is difficult for some graduate students to even attend classes. In an effort to be more accessible for students, Pacific University’s College of Education has created a hybrid … Continued

Boxer Football

posted in: Fall, Sports | 0

After three straight years of finishing middle of the pack at conference, and after a projected fourth place finish to this year’s season, the 2018-19 Boxer Football program is set on proving the doubters wrong. And breaking out to become … Continued

Food Stamps program creates stigma amongst students

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There is an unnecessary stigma around food stamps. Recipients are often seen as lazy and “moochers” of this system. With 42.2 million people participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), one might think Americans would have a more welcoming … Continued

Media Arts works with graphic design major

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The seven-year-itch may not be a bad thing for Pacific University’s Media Department. After being approved by the university almost eight years ago, a “new” graphic design major is once again in the works. This area of study would serve … Continued

Club urges students to register and vote

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Midterm elections are coming up in early November and Pacific University’s College Democrats are encouraging students to register to vote before the Oct. 16 deadline. “We’re electing every single house representative and one third of the senate federally,” President of … Continued

Students prepare for Gateway Film Festival

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This October Pacific University’s media arts students will host the first ever Gateway Film Festival. Media Arts Professors Enie Vaisburd and Jennifer Hardacker designed a class together this semester for students to plan, market and fundraise for the event. According … Continued

Health professions help those in need

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Pacific University’s health professions are not as isolated as one may think. As most undergraduates know, the Optometry program has a clinic in Jefferson Hall, open to the public. What most students do not know is that many other programs … Continued