Students organize Earth Day Fun

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The beautiful chalk art you saw in front of the UC Patio on April 22 was all because of the campus Earth Day celebration. Pacific’s clubs and organizations put on several events to celebrate the planet. Activities on this day included Chalk Art by the University Center Patio and a tie-dying session on the quad between Walter Hall and McCormick Hall. 

Morgan Green, Students and Environmental Activism (SEA) Club president, and Charlee Davis, Animal Ethics Club President, co-ran and organized many of the events. 

Preparation for Earth Week began a month leading up to Earth Day.

“The main goal is to engage the campus with sustainability and environmental issues and get people involved and also try and have a little bit of fun and make environmentalism a little bit more approachable for students,” said Green.

The Chalk Art Event started at noon, and chalk was provided for participants. Painting was also available, and students drew pictures of the planet, flowers, and animals. The sidewalk between Scott Hall and the U.C. was dappled with messages like “Respect Mother Earth,” “Divest from Fossil Fuel,” and “Listen to the Lorax.” Children from the Early Education Center also took part in the event.

“I just walked out and saw what was going on, and I decided to join in,” said Kole Meinhart, a sophomore majoring in Environmental Biology and participant at the event. “It was a lot of fun. It was kinda nice to just hang out with friends and do a little chalk art and focus on the planet, especially on Earth Day.”

The t-shirt tie-dyeing activity was hosted by the Art Club from 4 pm to 6 pm, and students stopped by for free tie-dying stop by to tie-dye t-shirts prepared by the Art Club for free.

“It’s really fun,” said sophomore Helena Guerrero on taking part in tie-dying. “It’s a good way to get outside and create something. I think it’s nice to do it with other people and have everyone have a shirt that has the same design but different colors cause then we’re all a part of the community but we can still show our individuality.” — Jamie Samson


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