Lasting Legacy

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Brittany Hartmann or better known as “Coach Britt” gives insight about her ongoing journey at Pacific.

   Dedicated and determined, Coach Brittany Hartman has not only devoted her time here at Pacific as both Head Coach for Women’s Lacrosse and Assistant Coach for Women’s Soccer, but contributed her time here as a multi-sport student athlete. Hartmann is a proud Boxer graduate who passes on her love for the game and Pacific to the players she coaches. 

   The Index: What made you want to come back and coach here?

    Brittany Harttman: Honestly, Pacific shaped who I am almost entirely. I grew up fairly sheltered and was able to learn how to critically think and develop my own views of the world here. It allowed me to balance many different interests all at once while still pursuing high academics. I completed my undergraduate, B.S. Chemistry and Physics, and graduate degrees, MAT Science Education, here. I wanted to come back to the place that provided me with so many opportunities.

   The Index: What was your most memorable moment as an athlete here at Pacific?

BH: For lacrosse, it was all of the team travel trips that we would take to spring break. One year, we went to Colorado and stayed in a huge house together. It was so much fun playing lacrosse, hanging out with our team, and playing in the snow. For soccer, it was beating Linfield on our senior day to knock them out of first place.

   The Index: What are your goals for this lacrosse season as a coach and for your players?

BH: My goal is to make it into the conference tournament this year, top 4 of 7. We have been struggling to rebuild the program through the pandemic. This year, we have the leadership and buy in to take it to the next level and hopefully succeed. 

   The Index: What advice would you give incoming athletes?

BH: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. This can be in academics, athletics, or even for mental health. You have so much to balance as a student athlete, it is more than okay to need help sometimes.

   The Index: What is your favorite tradition that you did while on a team here that is still implanted in your program?

BH: For lacrosse, our seniors every year pass a candle down to a returner for the next year. This candle represents passing the torch to someone that can fill in or continue to grow in terms of leadership. It is always emotional and so worth being able to see the team build each other up.

Also, alumni games for both soccer and lacrosse are my favorite every year. 

  The Index: How did you manage being a multi-sport student athlete?

BH: My entire life was written in my calendar. I would write down meal times, homework time, workouts, rest time, you name it. It was wild, but I would do it all the same. I never had to pull an all-nighter, close but not quite, and I still did well in school. It is all about choices and prioritizing what is most important to you. For me, it was school and sports. Social life came along with my athletics. — Olivia Azzollini


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