Athlete Spotlight: Distance vs Sprinting

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Aaron Brewer


Major sports command sports leadership and management

   First-year, Aaron Brewer is from Atwater, California located two and a half hours southwest of San Francisco. Brewer started on the track team in high school and had a coach tell him that he had the potential to be a great distance runner. After that, Brewer never turned back.

   Being a distance takes consistency and a lot of miles. Training can look different depending on where you are in the season. A distance runner will work months in advance to prepare for a meet, “Months before a meet distance runners like myself can be found doing the base building, high mileage training, and building endurance,” explained Brewer.

   When finding the motivation to keep running even when times are tough Brewer will remind himself of why he continues to run and get better, “I want to be better than my teammates. I like the competitiveness in the sport and finding ways to make myself better.”

Zion Booker


Public Health Major

Public Health major, Zion Booker from Fairfield, California is quick as can be. Booker competes in 4×400 relay and participates in sprints. As a sprinter, Booker runs Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on the track and runs a specific distance depending on what he will run during the meet. Tuesdays and Thursdays, he works more on power training which works the quick twitch muscles and it can include tire pulls, sled push, or box jumps all for the explosive motion. After a meet, Booker can be found regarding how he did individually, and figuring out what he needs to improve on.

One of Booker’s favorite memories was when he went to Conference Championships in 2022 at Puget Sound University. This moment resonated with Booker because he felt accomplished to have qualified as a freshman and it was something he was proud of regardless of the outcome. “The bond with my teammates and being able to have fun outside of the track meet is part of the experience,” said Booker. “I hate losing or being second in something, along with that I know it’s something my family enjoys seeing me do whether I win or lose.”

— Lily Rasmussen


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