With the fall semester being nothing but a time of change and adjustment, students have been trying to push through the rest of the semester in order to relax and take some time off during the Thanksgiving break.
Being a Resident Assistant is not the easiest job at the time, given all they have to follow with new safety protocols and making sure each one of their residents abides by those rules. Sophomore Residence Assistant for Burlingham Hall, Joey Grafton, explained that these next weeks will be challenging as an RA, but he is looking forward to the upcoming break.
“This year, interactions have been limited due to safety guidelines. We are doing the best that we can. We as RA’s try to hold little events in order to bring a sense of community into these halls,” Grafton said.
Pacific students have been advised to move out of their residence halls by November 25th at 7 P.M. in an attempt to try and prevent any spread or increases in COVID-cases. Students are only to stay on campus and in residence halls past the deadline if they were given special permission or confirmation that they could stay for finals.
“As RA’s, we are making sure that these next few weeks that everyone is being extra safe so when they go home, their families are protected,” Grafton said.
Antoine Stitt, who is an RA for Walter Hall, has been given special permission to extend his stay on campus in order to ensure his duties as the RA. In addition, Stitt also has to attend numerous basketball practices for the Pacific Men’s basketball team. He is constantly doing something, whether that’s for the team, for his duties as an RA, or even just being a regular student.
“This semester has been really tough. I have a lot of responsibilities and obligations to take care of each week and I feel like I barely can catch a break,” Stitt said.
Pacific houses numerous students from all over the United States, including states like Hawaii. Junior Sophia Kaufman is excited to go back home to the islands of Hawaii and to take some time off, breathe, and relax once her time comes to board the plane.
“My plan for Thanksgiving and winter break is to go home. Hopefully I will be able to spend time with my family,” Kaufman said.
Even though students are excited to go back to their families for the break, school still comes first. Finals will still be happening, however they will all be online. They take place the week after Thanksgiving and students will still have to prepare for them during their break. Given the current state of education, many students seem to see no differences with taking classes from home since a majority of the classes were already taught online.
As the semester comes to a close, students can’t wait to take a break from all of the stress that has come about since arriving on campus in August. Although finals are approaching, students know that pushing through these tough times leads to satisfaction and relief at the end. — Todd Takeuchi
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