English minor in editing and publishing proposed

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Kathlene Postma, associate professor in English, and Isaac Gilman, assistant professor at the library, have teamed up to propose a new minor in editing and publishing at Pacific. “We have talented Pacific students already producing great print and online content … Continued

Dance major on track for fall of 2012

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The course catalogue for fall 2012 is slated to receive an additional major for Pacific University’s College of Arts and Sciences. According to Assistant Professor in Theater Jennifer Camp, the dance minor currently available to students will be transformed into … Continued

Graduate writing: MFA program ranks nationally

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The Atlantic magazine’s article “The Best of the Best” ranked Pacific University’s Master of Fine Arts in Writing program one of the top five low-residency programs in the nation. Since the start of the program in 2004, it has received … Continued

Dental school helps Oregon’s minorities

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The American Dental Education Association recently recognized Pacific’s Dental Health School for their commitment to the underserved population. With their 16-chair clinic, the Dental Health School caters mainly to low income and Hispanic families, some who have never had dental … Continued

Officer encourages campus fire safety

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College living is often the first opportunity for many young people to live outside of their home. With all the excitement and anticipation of school, new friends and freedom, safety often gets pushed to the side. Fire safety could not … Continued

Campus safety: Incident reports

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9/20/2011 6 p.m. Theft II FG Student reported to Campus Public Safety a theft of $350 dollars from his wallet. No suspects at this time. Date/Time unknown Unknown Vehicular Incident Student reported that their vehicle had been struck and damaged … Continued

Breast cancer: Spread awareness

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Both females and males need to be aware of breast cancer. That’s right, men, it affects you, too. According to the American Cancer Society, 2,000 men every year receive news that they have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Of those … Continued

Phishing scam triggers campus-wide education

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Pacific experienced a phishing attack at 11:30 p.m. on Aug. 10, which was noticed and dealt with by the Technology Information Center the following morning at 8 a.m. According to TIC Manager Brian King, there have been 12 scams intrusive … Continued

Psych prof’s books draw reviews, praise

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Todd Schultz, who teaches psychology at Pacific University’s College of Arts & Sciences, uses his training as a psychologist, his love of writing and his passion for art to create something unique in his spare time. Schultz recently wrote two … Continued

Theatre prepares for fall production

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On October 21, Pacific’s theatre program will begin the school year with their fall production, “Heathen Valley.” The play, originally written by Romulus Linney, is adapted from the church histories of the Valle Crucis mission in western North Carolina. The … Continued

LunchBox Theatre sets goals

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The completely student-run program LunchBox Theatre is starting out this semester with new shows and a larger cast than usual. “It gives people who don’t have time for a main stage show to get their theatre fix,” said  Janna Tessman. … Continued

Oasis Room relieves stress

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Feeling the gray sky blues? Is the recognition that summer is now officially over too much to bare? Or maybe that stressful test or homework overload has finally sent you over the edge. If so, the staff at the Student … Continued