Engineering a New Major

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Physics Department heeds student needs, introduces first comprehensive engineering major An Engineering Physics major will join the Pacific University course catalog this coming fall semester. Developed in 2019, the idea was put on a temporary halt by the COVID-19 pandemic—and … Continued

Major Issues with Minors

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Pacific University Registrar Discusses Potential Changes to Minor Degrees Pacific University has never established a concrete, robust policy regarding the attainment of minors. But Registrar Nikol Roubidoux is looking to change that.    Currently in discussions with faculty, Roubidoux and … Continued

Managing the Unmanageable

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Outdated Emergency Operations Plan turned into “living document” Last issue, The Pacific Index spoke with LCC’s Molly Newhard, Editor-In-Chief of The Torch newspaper, about the recent lockdown following reports of an armed individual on campus at LCC (and Pacific’s Eugene … Continued