Upcoming years concern financial aid

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On January 20, 2013, President Barack Obama was sworn in for another four-year term as the president of the United States. Being on a small, rural campus, it is hard to imagine how the next four years will affect college … Continued

Renovation plans center around sustainability

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If you can picture a modern university with a new multiple story University Center, extended theatre for the performing arts and science buildings equipped with all the latest technology, you may see what the university is aiming for. With facilities … Continued

Student life revamps conduct policies

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It’s late on a Saturday night, you return to your room and your roommate is passed out on a couch, head nearly inside a trashcan. They have obviously had too much to drink, but you figure they’re fine and head … Continued

Admissions seeks Pacesetters hosts

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  Pacesetters is unique to Pacific. It is the first opportunity that many prospective students have to step on campus and therefore, is crucial that these visitors “feel like Pacific is a place they belong” said assistant director of admissions … Continued

Outback looks to fill Toomey’s role

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  Not many universities have destinations within a reasonable distance of campus where students can hike, ski, snowboard, raft, kayak, mountain bike and more. But the very diverse Pacific Northwest is an ideal area for the Pacific Outback to exist, … Continued