Hunker high hurdles new season records

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This season the Boxer track and field athletes have made new strides in the Northwest Conference. One contributor to the team’s success this season is sophomore Michael Hunker. As a second year varsity athlete, Hunker runs the 4 x 4 … Continued

Garments to Go helps new grads dress like pros

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Within the month, recent Pacific grads will venture into the world of job hunting, resumes and interviews. English professor Darlene Pagán has made it her mission to help students make the best first impression. Pagán has been hard at work … Continued

New Information Officer seeks campus feedback

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By fall semester of 2012, Pacific’s College of Health Professions will add audiology to its graduate degrees. Audiology is the study of hearing, balance and related disorders. According to College of Health Professions Executive Dean Ann Barr, Oregon has not … Continued

Stoller Center recieves new additions

posted in: Sports, Spring | 0

The Stoller Center, formally known as the Pacific Athletic Center (PAC), has had some new additions to the facility to improve it for future students of Pacific. The field house, which is the secondary gym east of the main gymnasium … Continued