Greek life grounds itself in inclusive values

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“We aren’t bringing our boys into manhood,” Denise Giesbers, advisor for Pacific University Greek Life, said in reference to a video created by Chad Prather on the topic of modern masculinity. Giesbers, however, was talking about masculinity and fraternities across … Continued

Lunar New Year

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Pacific University is ushering out the old year and bringing in the new with the Lunar Celebration. In celebration of the new year, all are invited to attend a celebration, dinner, and performance held Feb. 21 in the University Center … Continued

Dean addresses disciplinary action for university faculty

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Searching the two words “college” and “controversy” will spark approximately 55,600,000 news results in just 0.13 seconds using Google’s search engine.   A new story on a different collegiate controversy dawns national news sources almost everyday now, and Pacific University … Continued

Sustainable efforts advance on campus

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The Center for a Sustainable Society (CSS) exists to create opportunities around sustainability on campus. It is also a space for students to work on proposals or research projects of their own. Michelle Larkins is the director for the CSS, … Continued

Actor justified in taking gruesome role

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Ever since Anthony Perkins hit the screen in Alfred Hitchcock’s classic “Psycho” the idea of attractive actors taking the role of notorious villains has caused huge controversy. Audiences feel huge discomfort in seeing their favourite actors play these barbaric roles. … Continued

Outdoor Pursuits

posted in: Opinion | 1

Living in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) allows for some of the most memorable life experiences a person could have. Here in Forest Grove, the Pacific University community has wondrous natural ecosystems at its disposal, with the Cascade Mountain Range right … Continued

Supreme Court revisits transgender military ban

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In 2017, many were left outraged when President Donald Trump tweeted about a ban on transgender military members. The series of tweets read: “After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will … Continued