Students driving force during Phonathon

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Each semester more than 30 Pacific students raise much needed funds through Phonathon.  The event involves students contacting alumni, parents and friends of the university to ask for donations. The fall portion of the nine-week phonathon event began late in … Continued

Alcohol, noise violations most common

posted in: Student Life | 0

All Pacific students are required to read the Student Handbook, which details the university’s regulations and the Student Conduct Process. Nevertheless, there are still violations of various policies. According to Director of Residence Life Ryan Aiello, the most common infringements … Continued

Volleyball reflects on season

posted in: Fall, Sports | 0

With only two games left, one of which being a home game, the Pacific University Volleyball team is looking forward to a strong finish of the 2010 season. “We come into every practice with the intention of getting better,” said … Continued

Civic engagement volunteer making change

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The Civic Engagement Center is making big strides to advance community involvement of the Pacific community and that is from the help of Kaely Summers, the Civic Engagement Coordinator. Summers is a Pacific graduate who came back to work in … Continued

Psychology doctorate students travel abroad

posted in: News, Top Stories | 0

Several students in the School of Professional Psychology’s doctoral program not only devote five years toward earning a clinical psychology degree, but work toward becoming fluent enough in Spanish to treat patients who prefer Spanish. The school offers classes to … Continued