Associate Professor of Media Arts Mike Geraci submitted a proposal for a major in graphic design.
“I’ve gotten positive feedback from Dean John Hayes,” said Geraci.
Things are still in the early stages and Geraci is waiting to hear more from the university, but if the major is allowed to move forward, the department will to form a committee to ensure the curriculum adequately prepares students. Then it will to go through a curriculum committee to gain further approval.
The proposed curriculum would combine existing art and media art courses with several new ones. Some of the existing courses that would be required are art history, digital imaging, web design and introduction to photography. Also included are two revised courses in publication and identity design.
New to the curriculum would be an introductory course on visual communications, project management and professional practices, portfolio design and self-promotion and a specific senior capstone class. Other new courses include color theory and typographic design, which deal with how to communicate with colors and words, and a sustainable design course, which teaches how to limit waste as a designer.
According to the proposal written by Geraci, the graphic design curriculum has three primary goals:
1) An appreciation and understanding of historical, creative and social contexts of the arts,
2) Technical proficiency beyond specific toolsets but in strategic thinking, ideation and graphical production and
3) Preparation for careers after college and professional growth into the future.
Geraci estimated the new major would cost the university more than $100,000. Pacific would need a graphic design classroom, a few new computers, cameras, scanners and even a few iPads. The university would also need to hire one full-time professor to teach the new courses.
There is a growing interest in graphic design; including this major should draw the interest of students that normally would not consider Pacific. Geraci said, “No other school in Pacific’s conference offers a graphic design major.” By offering the major, Pacific would provide a niche for students interesting in graphic design. The art and media arts departments would benefit by having more students fill those classes.
Geraci estimated if Pacific recruits roughly five new students to enroll and major in graphic design, the investment could pay off in three years.
“I want to see it, but with the university’s full support,” said Geraci. “I don’t want it to be done poorly.”
He is hopeful that the major will get approved and be running by next year.
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