College adjustments can be hard; there are classes, homework for said classes, social lives to attend to, maybe a job to keep up with, and personal issues that come up. For these stressors, the Campus Wellness Center is available. The center provides services for many wellness related issues including body image, stress, and healthy relationships.
Director of the campus wellness center Joselyne Perry spoke of the most common stressors she finds students are coming into the center for; “the most common thing students come to see me about are unwanted sexual experiences and alcohol policy violations. I also work with students on time management skills and helping get them connected with other campus services.” Other campus services students who feel like they need to drop a class or are in need of Learning Support Services.
For students not originally from western Oregon or Washington the wet climate and gray weather can be overwhelming. In the Oasis Room there is a therapeutic light box that is scientifically proven to relieve symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder when used properly.
When it comes to the biggest asset the wellness center provides students, Perry stated in reply, “Support. Our goal in campus wellness is to support students holistically – and if we can’t help them personally, it’s likely we know who can.”
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