Returning students applying for on campus housing know from past experiences how stressful gathering roommates, picking out a building to live in and making it to their housing appointment on time can be. In the past many students have skipped class or filled out absentee forms, but this year Student Life has simplified the entire process. Instead of collecting all your roommates and marching to the Alumni Room, students can simply get online to select their dorm room for next year.
New software called Symplicity allows students to participate in selecting their room and roommates online. The lottery number system will still be used, assigning students to a certain time that determines when appointments begin. Yet, this year students do not have a designated time when their room selection must be completed. Once their time slot begins, they can choose to sign up for their room whenever suits their schedule.
“The new program is a sustainable practice, the goal being to eliminate as much paper as possible,” said Director of Housing Lisa Geraci. “The main goal is to make the housing process convenient for students by allowing more time to select a room.”
As in the past, students will still be required to pay a $100 dollar lottery entrance fee that is paid online through Pacific University Student Account Suites. The fee is due by March 13 at 5 p.m.
Once payment is verified, students will be sent an online Housing Application. Applications must be completed between March 15 -25 by noon.
“With the new system of applying online, in case students forget to complete their housing form before leaving for spring break, they can complete it from home,” said Geraci.
After completing the application, lottery numbers are determined by the number of credits a student has and also by their enrollment deposit date. This means if a current junior and freshman have the same number of credits, the junior will have a higher lottery number, because their enrollment deposit date was before the freshman’s deposit date.
In the beginning of April, students will receive an email from the housing department giving instructions on how to form a roommate group and designating one person to be the leader on the online room selection for the entire group. The leader is usually decided upon the person with the best lottery number.
The housing department will have designated staff office hours to assist with lottery questions and evening sessions in the Alumni Room to help students. Contact the housing department, located in the Student Life office, with any questions.
For students who do not participate in the Housing Lottery or who miss a deadline, there will be a second lottery in May.
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