ARAMARK makes changes to campus dining

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ARAMARK, the company that claims “focuses on helping campuses thrive by treating employees well, caring for the earth and environment, and ensuring the health and well-being of the campus and communities in which we live, learn and work,” is the current supplier of food services, RFoC facilities management and  ARAMARK employee uniforms for Pacific.

According to Director of Dining Bethany Bigelow, many changes have been made in the U.C. dining area this year.  Many gluten-free items were added to the Boxer Bistro and 219 organic items were added as well.  Now students with dietary restrictions can not only buy food that they can eat but they have more options and can even find items that they enjoy eating. Bigelow said that parents of students with food allergies or intolerances are ecstatic as well; she even received a hug from a parent because of the new options in the Boxer Bistro.

There were also changes based on student feedback made to the RFoC menu.  The décor in the U.C. and the dishes were also updated alongside the worry-free station, where 56 new menu items were added.  According to Bigelow, these changes have made the U.C. a more pleasant place to eat, study and spend time with friends.

She said her goal is the same every year, which is to “work with students to help them get the food that they want and make them feel more at home.”


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