Scott Hall update: Renovations near end, innovative design

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The wait is almost over as the first phase of renovations to Scott Hall is just about finished. A project that began in the beginning of June is now set to reach completion towards the end of this November.

Students and faculty alike await anxiously for the project’s end and look forward to the new upgrades that have been made to the building.

Including the three new classrooms, two newly renovated offices, two new study pods, an elevator, a new handrail for the stairs, new flooring and new restrooms located on the second floor.

According to the Director of Facilities Management Cindy Schuppert the renovations to

Scott Hall were necessary as there was a need for more classroom space and need to make the building more ADA compliant, or more accessible to the disabled and handicapped. Which renovation has successfully accomplished.

Renovation has had little impact on faculty and student life, however the Office of University Advancement has had to relocate offices to a new location for the time being and the Tutoring and Learning Center now shares space with the Center for Languages and International Collaboration on the first floor of Scott Hall.

As of right now, there are no new school offices that are set to be moving into Scott Hall anytime soon. Director of Student Academics Inclusion and Success Yashica Island, who has also had to temporarily relocate her office, expressed that the move was of “little inconvenience” to her and is “happy” to see

the building being renovated. However, Island did express some concern as she feels the study area has become “too crowded” in the now shared space between the CLIC and the TLC.

The university has said nothing as to whether or not the arrangements of campus offices and student service organizations will change or remain the same in the future.

While renovation to Scott Hall are almost complete, Vice President of University Advancement Cassie Warman said “this is only the beginning.” Students and faculty can both expect renovations to continue in the buildings around Trombley Square in the future as the school wants Trombley to be an epicenter for student services.

Future updates are being headed by Vice President of Finance and Administration Mike Mallery.


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