CPS encourages Halloween safety

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While the students of Pacific University worry about ghouls, midterms and clowns during the days leading up to Halloween, the Forest Grove Police Department (FGPD) and Campus Public Safety(CPS) have a much more serious issue to address.
Along with candy and carved pumpkins, Halloween brings a noticeable increase in nationalcrime rate. This increase in national crime rate is reflected on a smaller scale within the state of Oregon.
 Some of these issues are a result of a lack of supervision by parents when their children are outtrick-or-treating. Burglary is also a major issue, with many homes being left empty and people openlyinviting strangers to enter their homes.  
 The increased rate of crime is also an issue on many college campuses throughout the UnitedStates. With the completion of midterms, many students use Halloween as an excuse to unwind andrelieve some of the stress that is associated with large amounts of schoolwork and studying.
However, large amounts of partying and drinking are both catalysts for disagreements betweenFGPD and CPS on Pacific’s campus. While many of these disagreements can be solved without majorissue, sometimes there are more severe consequences, especially as student festivities come to aclimax.
 The FGPD and CPS would both like to remind the students of Pacific to stay safe, be responsible and not make decisions that could potentially place themselves or other students in dangerous situations.


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