Boxer Radio

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Having a podcast is becoming increasingly popular, something Boxer Radio is hoping to capitalize on by expanding its roster of shows and increasing its presence on campus.

“I’m trying to make it bigger, seven shows last year was a lot for Boxer Radio, which I’m excited about,” Nicole Hood, Boxer Radio manager said.

Hood is currently trying to contact old shows to get them back on the air for this year, as well as inviting people to start new shows.

“I’m planning on reopening the station with some sort of event where I invite students who are interested in radio or broadcasting or recording and bringing them here,” Hood said. “Teaching them how to use the space and how it works.”

Unfortunately, the radio room has experienced issues in recent years that have required the room to be remodeled.

Though Hood is staying positive about the radio room and the one adjacent to it.

“What it used to be was kind of like a lounge where students could come hang out, and I want to make it like that again so it’s more of a welcoming space,” Hood said.

For students who are interested in starting a show of their own, the process is pretty simple. Hood responds to interested inquires by showing them how the equipment works.

“If they’re still interested, they just give me a title for a show, a description, and a time they want,” Hood said. “It’s an hour time slot, once a week, and I do ask that they get some sort of social media so they keep their audience engaged and that it is some sort of commitment.”

Students can contact Hood at


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