#NeverAgain falls upon deaf ears across nation

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On March 14, 2018, Pacific University participated in a national school walkout against gun violence. The walkout was also intended to commemorate the one-month anniversary of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

Seventeen students were killed in the shooting, and 17 others were injured by a gunman armed with a semi-automatic rifle.

Since then — less than 18 months after the demonstration — the nation has seen over 30 additional school shootings, according to CNN.

Students’ signs read “Enough”, “Never again” and “We want action” but the country’s tragic state shows a very different story, void of large scale government action and the empathy our generation so desperately needs.

The Pacific Index recognizes students hurt, frustration and alarm during this time as political divisiveness and fear appear to reign supreme.

Our editors would like to take this first issue of the academic year to not only bring light to this extremely important issue, but recognize the different resources our campus provides to dismantle this fear.

The Office of Student Support offers a nurturing environment that gives assistance to all students facing challenges that interfere with their ability to thrive, grow and learn.

These issues can include: mental health, physical health, academics, finances, substance abuse, victims of crime or social and emotional well-being.

Branches of that office and others alike — including the Student Counseling Center, Center for Gender Equity and Student Life — are here to help students navigate hardships of any and every kind.

A list of university resources can be found at pacificu.edu/life-pacific/support-safety and an article written by the Student Counseling Center can be found on page six of this paper discussing how they can provide help to everyone, especially new freshman navigating life away from home for the first time.

We encourage any students who feel uncomfortable reaching out to the above sources to stop by our own office and join our team of diverse creatives.

We are here for you and believe your voice is not meant to be silenced in fear — instead raised in power.


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