Pacific University will be home to another climate walkout at 12 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 20. Passionate students and faculty will leave class, reschedule meetings and drop what they’re doing to meet in Trombley Square. The crowd will them march to meet up with other residents of Forest Grove in Rogers Park at 2421 17th Ave.
Similar to last year’s climate strike, there will be an open discussion forum welcoming any attendee to get up onstage and speak their mind about local and national policies, conservation and most importantly — climate change.
Student organizers believe climate strikes and walkouts in today’s political climate are as important as ever because they provide citizens with an opportunity to be heard, utilize their freedom of speech and expose youth to modern issues surrounding sustainability. Walkouts can also act as a jump-start to other forms of activism and getting more involved with nature, according to organizers.
When asked, Professor Jeslyn Lemke’s First Year Seminar class unanimously agreed that other forms of activism would be more effective for cleaning up the planet, but climate awareness was the first step.
Freshman Michelle Winefield says it’s “really opened her eyes to how much the youth cares,” seeing both students and teachers support the upcoming event and movement behind it. Another underclassman, Abbi Maak agreed, saying she thought it was nice “everyone pretty much agrees climate change is an issue they’re passionate about.”
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