Musical artist Kanye West made his return to Twitter on April 13, writing out a seemingly never ending string of confusing and politically charged messages to his 28 million followers. West’s sudden reiteration of support for President Donald Trump, whom he had briefly connected with during the last presidential election season, surprised many fans.
West recently spent time on Twitter writing about being a free thinker, spreading love, avoiding manipulation and his thoughts on the current state of politics in America. Statements from West that have come under heavy scrutiny recently were released on April 25 and were concerning Trump and the “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) movement.
On Twitter, West tweeted, “You don’t have to agree with Trump but the mob can’t make me not love him. We are both dragon energy. He is my brother. I love everyone. I don’t agree with everything anyone does. That’s what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thought.” West later posted photos of himself wearing MAGA merchandise.
As to be expected, these comments made by West in support of the current president faced huge amounts of backlash, not only from critics but also fans. Though West tried to follow up his comments with a statement published later, attempting to clarify that he does not agree with all of president Trump’s policy choices, West’s statements about politics, like “Obama was in office for eight years and nothing in Chicago changed,” had already made an irreversible impact on his audience.
Many fans of West, especially those of color, felt disrespected seeing him seemingly disregard the president’s controversial policy choices involving inner cities, poverty and minorities. After having supported West throughout his career, several of his fans felt hurt to see him represent the MAGA movement, sporting the classic red hat.
West appears to have lost any connection and understanding of struggle, after decades of living as an A-list celebrity. It is clear that he desperately desires what people think of him as a visionary and free thinker, but in actuality it is obvious West desperately desires validation, especially from fellow elites.
Though this is not the first time West has said something controversial, his aligning with the MAGA movement feels particularly reaching. West’s constant need for attention, relevance and validation, will almost certainly be the factor that causes the downfall to his otherwise successful career.
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