Valentine’s Day

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The smell of cheap, sugary chocolate and expensive, unnatural roses can only mean one thing, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Love it, hate it, or love to hate it, people have been exchanging mass-produced red and pink cards since the 1800s with no signs of stopping.  

As a millennial I might possess a less popular take on Valentine’s Day. While it is often a holiday filled with gross shows of opulence on social media by my aforementioned generation, there is hope for it yet. Even a modern day spin on the holiday can actually be pretty sweet, rather than eye-roll inducing. But it must be done right.

Flowers die and chocolates go bad, but there is no expiration date for showing sincere affection and appreciation for someone — an act individuals seem terrified to commit.

However, that is exactly what young adults in particular should be doing on Valentine’s day as opposed to crossing their fingers, hoping their debit cards will hold out for one last purchase.

To clarify, showering someone with expensive gifts is fine act, but it rarely equates to thoughtfulness. That type of excess without meaning is what brought “promposals” into the everyday vernacular. Gross.

If every millennial could tap back into the energy they once had making Valentine’s in grade school, the world would be a better place. Back when there was an entire thought process over who received the coveted “Be mine” card and who received the measley “Happy V-Day” presented more care amongst sixth graders than young adults display today when it comes to shows of emotion.

That is not to say everyone must carefully organize a list of those they love most and make them hand-made cards. Instead, the comparison is to highlight just how much thought, time and genuine action could be taken, rather than avoided with a fancy gift and Instagram post.

Maybe ‘80s movies had one thing right. Maybe ridiculous displays of emotion are what society desperately needs. Maybe all a person needs on Valentine’s Day is not a new set of AirPods, but to look foolish in the name of caring.


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