Pacific’s Winter / January Term came back this year with some changes. Students now have the opportunity to take four credit courses; the classes last three weeks, with one extra day of finals.
January Term’s previous two credit courses that meet for two weeks with an additional day for the final, are still available. Students can choose between knocking out two credits or four credits during their winter term.
Sophomore Peyton Spencer took a two credit chemistry class this term. Next year, she will take a biology course during winter term so she can finish her scientific core requirement. “The hours were really long, but it was nice to just get those credits out of the way,” said Spencer.
Shelby Uffelman, a sophomore enrolled in a four credit history class, remarked on how much more demanding her experience was this term. Last year, she took a two credit class and noticed the difference in her workload and what was expected of her. “You’re literally cramming three months of material into three weeks,” Uffelman said. “Still, being able to get four credits out of the way in a short time rather than a full semester was super helpful.”
Being able to knock out four credits in just four weeks is something that students find is helpful for their schedules. Many students are on tight schedules for programs, and finding time for required core classes during spring and fall terms can be especially stressful.
Winter Term provides students with the perfect opportunity to get essential requirements out of the way without impacting their timeline in any noticeable way. The addition of four credit classes will benefit students even more in getting ahead on their credits–that is, if they are up for the potential challenge and workload.
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