Murray stays involved despite injury

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After winning the conference championship last season, the men’s soccer team this season is ending on a different note. The team currently has a 4-6-1 record in conference and an overall record of 4-10-1.
Senior Patrick Murray has contributed to the team this season by leading the team in scoring including two game winning goals.
Murray had a setback and missed four preseason games due to an injury and he has been trying to recover since then. He is currently sitting out of practice and games due to fracturing his foot, which may have ended his season.
Murray said that many of his teammates dealt with injuries this year that hindered their play. All four seniors have had injuries this season.
“I am bummed that we have had so many injuries that affected our season but I am grateful to be playing for this school and grateful to be a Boxer,” Murray said.
Despite the injuries, Murray has done much to contribute to the team this year and he said he would continue to be a leader, as his team will finish up the season without him.
Murray said, “In the remaining couple weeks left, I want to motivate the guys returning next year to keep their heads up and train hard because I know they have the potential to win the conference next year.
“This was a year of building and I hope to pass on some knowledge to the younger guys,” Murray said. He felt like more of a leader this season and he tries to give his teammates, especially the younger players, constructive information such has how to mentally and physically prepare for games, certain runs to make and other things he notices from the sidelines.
Murray said that with all the injuries they had this season, the new players definitely stepped up and have given their best effort in every practice and game.
“I am proud of them and look forward to seeing how they develop as players and as men.”
The men’s soccer team will not likely finish their season with their top scorer, but Murray is confident in his team and he will do anything he can to help his team from the sidelines to win their last few games.


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