Intramurals provide social opportunities

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For freshmen, a university can be a large and intimidating place. It may appear daunting at first, but there are many ways to engage in the Pacific community. One way to meet new people is Intramural Athletics.

Intramural sports are a way to exercise for free with peers. The variety of Pacific intramurals to choose from include football, volleyball, soccer, baseball, racquetball, ultimate frisbee and more.

A complete list and sign up sheet can be found at the front information desk in the Stoller Center.

Some intramurals even compete further than just the Forest Grove community.

For example, last year the handball team placed third in the nation, placing for the second year in a row. Head coach Mike Steele said he is always happy to see new faces and enjoys the opportunity to teach anyone who wants to learn to play.

Intramural players will see changes this year. The field house is newly renovated with a new paint job. Football stripes have been included for an easier determination of distance and a circular mid field has been painted on for soccer. The painted turf gives intramural sport an authentic feel.

Intramural sports can be as competitive as students make them There are certain brackets which allow players to be a part of a competitive campaign, rather than a “just for fun” experience.

Intramurals are not only an easy way for incoming students to be involved in something besides school on campus. But also, by meeting new people and staying active, intramurals aid the transition into college by providing students  with an opportunity to make new friends.


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