What started off as a slow season has picked up with the men’s and women’s recent meet on Nov. 15 at Lewis and Clark College. The women’s team placed second, nipping at the heels of Whitworth. The men’s team was close behind, placing third overall.
Originally the meet was supposed to be Friday and Saturday with Friday’s meet at Pacific University, but Whitworth was held because of weather and the meet was rescheduled for Saturday.
Even with all of the sudden changes, junior Jack White still managed to break the 50 freestyle record and seniors Katie Porter and Amanda Clark also won their individual races.
“The meet was so exciting,” said Clark. “Whitman and Whitworth are the top two teams in the conference so to beat Whitman and to come so close to beating Whitworth was pretty great.”
While the swimmers are doing well individually, they are also doing well as teams.
“The women’s side is looking really strong,” said senior Amber Chase. “The senior class especially has some strong swimmers and each class below them has a couple of strong swimmers as well. We have top dogs in each event, which is really great.”
One of the setbacks that the swim teams are having is that their numbers are less than other schools.Even with their low numbers, Tohl is still confident in the team’s overall ability and their strength in the future.
“We all just want to keep improving the team and get more guys so we can be at the top next year,” said Tohl.
To keep up their momentum, the teams are both training and bonding to improve overall.
“We all realize we need to perform as a team and push each other to a new level,” said Tohl.
Overall both the men’s and women’s swim teams are looking like strong contenders for the upcoming conference events.
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