Pacesetters achieves record numbers

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A record attendance was achieved by the 2012 Pacesetters competition with participants from 16 states and two other countries. Out of the three event dates, The final round of testing took place on Feb. 18.

For all of the spring test days, a total of 535 participants visited Pacific to compete and take part in campus activities.

A total of 121 more students participated in this year’s competition compared to the 2011 competition.

Prospective students were given the opportunity to compete for Pacesetters scholarships, view campus and meet with Pacific organizations and departments.

New additions to the 2012 competition were a campus resource fair and residence hall tours. Based on the parent and student event evaluation forms, these two additions were very helpful for prospective students said Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admissions Valerie Cleary.

“The residence hall tours allowed students to begin to truly picture themselves living at Pacific University,” said Cleary.

Students who could not attend the on-campus Pacesetters competition could enter in an online version of the scholarship competition called eScholars. The scholarship gave students the opportunity to earn up to $3,000 per year for four years. All participants earned $750 per year for four years.

This competition took place on Feb. 26 with 76 students participating. The participants represented 12 states along with three other countries: Germany, Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh.


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