Invisible Children’s ‘MOVE’: New short film inspires students

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KONY 2012 is dead. Or so people think.

A week after its release, Invisible Children’s new short film “MOVE” was screened at Taylor Auditorium to an audience of individuals still interested in the KONY 2012 movement. It highlighted not only the efforts to bring Joseph Kony to justice, but also to beating the organization took after being accused of scamming supporters. It also brought up founder Jason Russell’s meltdown in San Diego, telling viewers that although his actions were wrong, they should not be steered away from the ultimate goal of capturing one of the world’s most wanted criminals.

Representatives from Invisible Children, including Philadelphia native Anna Schuck and Uganda escapee Babra Akello, talked before and after the film about their experiences with the organization. Schuck said that she joined Invisible Children as a teenager, mentioning how she never thought one person could be a part of something much bigger than herself at such a young age. Akello talked about her experiences as a resident of Uganda and the horrors she experienced as those close to her were killed and abducted. She made a personal decision to join Invisible Children, giving her the opportunity to speak on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves.

News pundits and analysts everywhere have said that those in the millennial generation are lazy and will not accomplish anything substantial in their lifetime. The film reminded us that we have been given the opportunity to prove them wrong. Dead wrong.

MOVE ended with a call for young people to march in Washington, D.C. on Nov. 17 in an effort to hold world leaders accountable to their promises of bringing Kony to justice and ending the violence of his militant army, LRA. For more information on the rally, visit


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