With the end of the year just around the corner, award ceremonies are taking place to honor the people and organizations that create a well-rounded community on campus.
The Faculty and Staff Honors and Awards Ceremony is no exception.
The ceremony will take place on Reading Day, Wednesday, May 8.
Awards such as Dedication to Students, Boxer Spirit and Length of Service will be given out during the ceremony as well as several others, two of which are community member awards.
Vice Provost for Research Chris Wilkes, will again be the Master of Ceremonies. He has been doing this for the last five years.
Last year he even got to award his wife, Sociology and Anthropology professor Cheleen Mahar, with the Distinguished University Professor Award.
Along with several other speakers and awards given out, 30-year faculty and those retiring will also have a chance to speak at the ceremony.
Faculty and Staff awards used to be separate events, but now have become a combined effort.
The Honors and Awards Faculty Committee, Staff Award Selection Committee and the Program Planning Committee take on different tasks to get this event put together, usually starting in the Fall and having regular meetings in January and on until the event.
The University Events office that hosts the ceremony together also coordinates graduation, making for a busy end of the year.
Students are allowed to attend the award ceremony, which takes place on Reading Day in order to allow for all staff and faculty to attend.
The ceremony will be held at the Taylor-Meade Performing Arts Center in McCready Hall from 3:30 to 5 p.m. with a reception to follow.
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