Pacific hosts first annual ‘Wellys’ film competition

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Get your video cameras and screenplays ready. This semester, the Campus Wellness Center is hosting the first annual video competition, “The Welly’s”.

The challenge is to create a short film, five minutes maximum, that best shows either what consent is or what bystander intervention is.

Students are open to creative liberty as long as the video contains no nudity, violence, or swearing. Students are even open to create spoofs of other videos, as long as students credit the original film.

The deadline to turn in scripts to Campus Wellness coordinator Kathleen Converse is Oct. 16. Scripts will be returned by Oct. 26, then final films will be due by Nov. 25, and the awards ceremony will take place on Dec. 3.

The final awards ceremony will be a red carpet event, so contestants are encouraged to dress in their formal wear.


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