Health Center provides help, support for quitting smoking

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Quitting any habit takes a lot of commitment, effort and focus. But when people are able to have support from friends and family it makes the hard journey a little bit better.

For students who want to quit smoking, the Student Health Center can be a part of that support group.

Since Pacific University has been a smoke free campus, the Student Health Center started smoking cessation services for students who are currently registered for classes.

These students include both undergraduate Pacific students and graduate Pacific students.

“In a cessation service, we start with reasons a student wants to quit, provide tips, get him or her motivated and provide guidance on how to maintain a tobacco-free lifestyle,” Nurse Practitioner Lori May said. “We help start a ‘quit plan’ and choose a quit date.”

These free services are all available through the Health Center.

While there is no limit to the number of office visits, a student is limited to a single free course of nicotine patches.

One course of nicotine patches can last anywhere from 6-12 weeks.

But this largely depends on the individual.

“He or she would wear one patch per day, putting it on in the morning and taking it off before going to sleep,” May said. “The patches work by providing different levels

of nicotine, depending on the person’s smoking habit.”

According to May, research has shown that those who choose to quit smoking were more successful with the support from family and friends.

“We will help students along his or her ‘quit plan,” May said. “And if he or she slips the first time, it is okay because each time, you learn something new and are more likely to succeed the next time.”

A student going through the steps to quitting would have to go in weekly for follow- ups.

For more information, a student can call the Student Health Center and make an appointment.

Students can also go online to the Student Health Center’s website.


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