Food donation program returns to campus

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The food donation program, “Food for All”, is available once again at Pacific University. The “Food for All” program is dedicated to alleviating food insecurity at Pacific. Students, faculty and staff are all able to donate and receive free food through this program.

The “Food for All” program desires to decrease food insecurity even more than it did last year. The program will try reaching out to both the Forest Grove and Hillsboro campuses.

“We want to reach out more to the Pacific population, so we can spread more awareness and make sure people know this service is here for them,” program coordinator Zach Hewson said.

The “Food for All” program will also try reaching out to supermarkets, local high schools and churches, so more people will be able to donate and receive food. The program wants to encourage more students, faculty and staff, to receive food from this service.

Another goal for the “Food for All” program is to improve the block meal program by providing more block meals to students who need them. The “Food for All” program achieved many accomplishments since its inception in 2016. The program was able to obtain the National Public Health Award.

It also piloted Pacific University’s Block Meal Exchange program. People who want to anonymously donate food, receive meals or ask questions about the “Food for All” program, can email Hewson at hews4182@pacificu. edu.

People can also donate and receive food from the “Food for All” boxes that are located around Pacific’s campus.


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