CLARIFICATION: A previous version of this article didn’t clarify that YoungMen is broadcast on the on-campus radio station. A clarification has been made below.
Have any bright yellow posters caught your eye around campus? Those posters–designed by Kalina Lewis–are advertising “Young Men,” a radio show done by Kaileah “Kai” Hawk-Lowenstein and Zoe “Zo” Stanek. Kai and Zo have been hosting their on-campus radio show for the last year. They’re on the air once a week, with each week having a new theme. Past favorites include Ladies Night and 80’s Night, as well as a future theme of only songs that have food in the name.
So, why “Young Men?” Finishing each other’s sentences as best friends tend to do, each one of them tells part of the two part story. They encountered a black cat in the Clark parking lot (or as they call it, the Clarking lot) that they proceeded to dub ‘Young Man’ as they attempted to follow and pet it.
They generally make their playlists an hour before the show, as well as adding songs during, should the mood strike.
“We like to play off of each other,” says Zo. “Especially with our 80s night because we love the genre so much.”
Kai and Zo also mention that their friendship, forged freshman year, “stemmed from music, pop culture, and aesthetics that music fits into,” culminating in the desire to start a radio show.
Zo and Kai say that starting a radio show at Pacific is super easy. Anyone can email the radio chair, Quint Iverson,, with their radio show ideas, and they will teach you how to use the equipment. More than anything, they want to increase the amount of shows on campus.
Find the Young Men radio show on Instagram @young_men_radio or scan the QR codes on the yellow posters around campus. Android users can listen on their laptop, while Apple users can use iTunes on their phones to listen. Due to Pacific University cancelling all in-person classes, the show will resume Fall 2020.
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