Roller Coaster Ride Of A Season

posted in: Fall, Sports, Top Stories | 0

Pacific University Women’s Volleyball team has had their fair share of ups and downs this season; winning clutch games, but also coming up short in close competitions. A chance of redemption is possible for the team with the second round of conference play starting up. The Boxers plan to look past their bumpy start to the season and get back in the win column.

A Brief History on Self Pleasure: From Stone to Plastic

posted in: Love & Sex, Student Life | 1

The history of dildos is a long one. It all started around 30 thousand years ago when our ancestors sat in their huts carving stone. Historians still debate what these long, rounded stone carvings were for, some believing they were used as tools, some believing they aided in sharpening, I personally believe the latter is a “phallacy” if you will.