
posted in: Sports, Winter | 0

Pacific’s Handball Club is at it again, and come Feb. 21, they will be taking 16 competitors to Nationals in Springfield, Missouri. This is the home of Missouri State University, where many national titles have been won. This year’s team … Continued

Baseball starts across the ocean

posted in: Sports, Winter | 0

This spring, Pacific’s baseball team looks to strive for greatness under the control of long-time Head Coach Grey Bradley, who has been with Pacific for 18 seasons. This year, Bradley has arranged for the team to travel to Hawaii for … Continued

Pacific athletic idol honored with award

posted in: Sports, Winter | 0

The DNA Award is a prestigious award presented to those who have dedicated their lives to sports and are recognized, metaphorically, as part of the deoxyribonucleic acid of sports in Oregon. Pacific University’s Special Assistant to Athletics Judy Sherman was … Continued

Rugby Club launch leads to victory

posted in: Sports, Winter | 0

It’s a sport that combines athleticism, pace and aggression, all without pads, and it has made its way to Pacific University. Rugby is now among the ranks of clubs offered at Pacific. Bringing rugby to this school has been in … Continued

Boxer Doctors

posted in: Opinion | 0

I work with college students. Therefore, at any given time I work with people who are in the uncomfortable throes of a breakup. I have become something of a breakup expert at this point, whether I’ve wanted to or not, … Continued

New UC camera dubbed deceitful

posted in: Opinion | 0

Deceit is defined as the action of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth. This word is not the first that comes to mind when talking about Pacific University but with the recent installment of a video camera above … Continued