Dear Pacific, Don’t Forget That We Are Still In A Pandemic

We understand that we missed out on an entire year and a half of our education because of the pandemic, but that doesn’t mean the workload this year needs to overcompensate for everything we missed. Every student I’ve talked to, no matter what year, is having a very overwhelming semester.

Treat Yourself and Binge a Series Over the Break: The Good Place

posted in: Media Review, Opinion | 0

Over the summer, I watched the Netflix series The Good Place. Directed by Michael Schur — who has developed a number of other great sitcoms like, The Office, Parks and Rec, and Brooklyn 99 — I knew that there would be a lot of subtle, satire, and sarcastic humour throughout the storyline. I always enjoy the love interests, character development, and plot twists that catch people off guard in Schur’s sitcoms’ plotlines.

Pacific University Confronts Its Past as Forest Grove Indian School by Publishing a List of Children Who Died in Its Custody

posted in: News, Top Stories | 1

In honor of Indigenous People’s month, Pacific University archivist Eva Guggemos and independent researcher SuAnn Reddick published a list of all the known Indigenous children who died in the custody of the Forest Grove Indian School and Chemawa Indian School from 1880 to 1945.