Faculty vote to change study abroad eligibility

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The world just opened up to Pacific’s sophomores. A proposal that went before the Arts and Sciences faculty was approved in the beginning of March  officially allowing sophomores to participate in semester study abroad. In the past, students were unable … Continued

Bulletstorm reloads the FPS genre

posted in: Student Life | 0

What do you get when you combine the control mechanics of Mirror’s Edge, the wacky weapons and stunning scenery of Borderlands and the goriness of Gears of War, then deep-fry it in a vat of testosterone? You get Bulletstorm, the … Continued


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Alicia Elfring Elfring, a student in the College of Education at the Eugene campus, was killed in a single car accident early the morning of Saturday March 12. Robin Keillor, Director of the Counseling Center, was present in Eugene on … Continued