Bulletstorm reloads the FPS genre

posted in: Student Life | 0

What do you get when you combine the control mechanics of Mirror’s Edge, the wacky weapons and stunning scenery of Borderlands and the goriness of Gears of War, then deep-fry it in a vat of testosterone? You get Bulletstorm, the … Continued


posted in: News, Uncategorized | 0

Alicia Elfring Elfring, a student in the College of Education at the Eugene campus, was killed in a single car accident early the morning of Saturday March 12. Robin Keillor, Director of the Counseling Center, was present in Eugene on … Continued

Those praying for snow should think twice

posted in: Opinion | 0

Earlier this week, I will admit that I was among the many Pacific hopefuls that the miniscule amount of frozen precipitation Oregon calls “snowfall” would be enough to close campus, and more particularly, cancel classes.  And while the snow did … Continued

Green for growth or just the sake of green

posted in: Opinion | 0

Depending on whom you ask, “sustainability” and “sustainable development” can have contentious and contradictory meanings. The 1987 Brundtland Report defines sustainable development as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own … Continued