UIS works wonders behind the scenes

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“Why isn’t BoxerSecure working?” “How do I connect to the network printers?” “What does this button on my laptop do?” I hear these questions and countless others on a daily basis.  We live in an era where technology evolves faster … Continued

The Petri Dish: DNA to the future

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Since its inception in the early 1990s, the National DNA Index System, more commonly known in law enforcement as the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), has drawn praise and criticism from many in the United States. Op/Ed contributor Michael Seringhaus … Continued

Career Center helps with grad school applications

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Graduate school application deadlines are becoming stress inducers for seniors but the Career Development Center offers a variety of services to help students with the process. According to  the Associate Director of the Career Development Center June Dressler, it is … Continued

McCall center set to open spring 2011

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After a four year absence from Pacific, the political engagement once fostered by the Tom McCall forum will return in the form of a Tom McCall Center. The Center is planning its first event for spring of 2011. Politics and … Continued

Diabetes clinic streamlines treatment

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Most people already know that diabetes forces people to adjust their eating habits. But how many know that on top of the high blood pressure and possible symptoms of increased hunger and thirst, diabetes can also lead to blindness? According … Continued

“Savage” columnist to talk relationships

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Dan Savage, author, activist, creator and writer of the internationally syndicated column “Savage Love” will be visiting the Pacific University Forest Grove campus on Tuesday, Nov. 4. During his visit he will be presenting “Savage Love Live,” a program sponsored … Continued