Women’s Basketball

posted in: Sports, Winter | 0

The season started strong for Pacific University’s Women’s Basketball team as they went 2-2 in their opening four games with one of those losses being in overtime. The team has shown signs that they will be competitive throughout the season, … Continued

Speech & Debate

posted in: Student Life | 0

Pacific University held its annual Hap Hingston Speech and Debate tournament this past Saturday and Sunday, gathering some of the best speakers from the region to compete. The tournament ran very smoothly, despite the large number of high schools in … Continued

Transfer students discuss closure

posted in: Student Life | 0

Announcing their closure in May, Marylhurst University forced more than 700 students to find a new school within three months. Music therapy students did not have much of a choice in where they were going to finish their education. With … Continued

Creative Winter Term

posted in: News | 0

In the summer of 1787, after the Articles of Confederation failed, representatives of 12 states gathered together in Philadelphia to write the U. S. Constitution. The process is moving about as smoothly as can be expected, but there is one … Continued

Fake News

posted in: Opinion | 0

While the phrase “fake news” has become increasingly more popular, the concept of checking one’s news sources has unfortunately not. And what better time for skewed news stories to surface all across the internet than the holidays. It seems as … Continued