Group focuses on environmental education

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Environmental education has become increasingly important in recent years. At least senior Marcia Wilcox strongly believes so.

“We need to make sure there’s something left for our kids,” said Wilcoc about resources on Earth.

Wilcox is focusing her capstone project on exploration, discovery, education, nature, art, culture, research, ecology and sustainability.

Eden Acres is a nonprofit environmental education organization aimed primarily at kids kindergarten through high school as well as university students and adults.

It’s goal to engage the community for a sustainable future. Wilcox’s main efforts are fueled toward gathering and filling out documents to fund the nonprofit program as well as making lasting business contacts.

“Education is the way we transmit our culture from one generation to the next,” said Wilcox.

Eden Acres provides education certification courses to teachers who may not have the proper training in order to teach students about the environment in classrooms.

Wilcox believes that starting environmental education young will impact children of future generations far more effectively.

Through summer camp programs, coordinating field trips to Metro’s clean water services and starting workshops for children and adults alike, Wilcox hopes to bring about a more environmentally aware and sustainable community.   


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